堀秀彰 (piano) - Hideaki Hori -
今までに21枚のリーダーアルバムを発表し、参加アルバムは160枚を越える。著書に『親子で楽しむピアノ連弾コレクション"いっしょに弾こうよ"』『ジャズピアノがうまくなる理由・ヘタな理由』が ある。
Eddie Henderson、Gene Jackson、Max Ionata、Sheryl Bailey、Bob Kenmotsu、市原ひかり、井上陽介、大坂昌彦、谷口英治、土岐英史、原朋直、平賀マリカ、安カ川大樹、各氏をはじめ、国内外の著名アーティストとの 共演歴も多い。
ポップスフィールドでは、Dreams Come True・ParisMatch・SILVA・井手麻理子・DA PUMP・M-SWIFTなど、多くのアーティストのレコーディングやコンサートに参加。
浜崎航との双頭カルテット『Encounter』 は、数々のジャズフェスへの出演、TV番組『源流JAZZ』への出演、韓国など海外公演も成功し、各方面から注目を集める存在になっている。2012年に はアメリカのカリフォルニア州で毎年行われる、世界的にも最も有名で歴史ある55th Monterey Jazz Festivalにも出演し喝采を浴びた。
現在『Encounter』の他にも、堀秀彰トリオ、堀秀彰p&井上陽介b、『 Duo Tremolo(堀秀彰p&馬場孝喜g)』、奥平真吾『The New Force』、横田寛之『ゴウダヴ』、山口真文グループ 、藤村麻紀『The DUO!!』、ParisMatch、などを中心に日本全国のジャズクラブ、コンサート、 フェスティバル等で活躍中。
Hideaki Hori is a pianist whose melodious touch spans across the music genres.
But first and foremost, he is a Jazz pianist and composer, performing at the vanguard of the Japanese jazz scene.
Born in Chiba in 1978, Hideaki first began playing jazz in his high school years. Since age 18, he has performed with a wide range of jazz musicians such as Eddie Henderson, Gene Jackson, Max Ionata, Sheryl Bailey, Masahiko Osaka, Tomonao Hara, Daiki Yasukagawa, Mabumi Yamaguchi, Shunzo Ohno and more.
Hideaki’s is also a session musician, performing on recordings and touring in the pop music field, including with "Dreams Come True", "Paris Match", "Teruma Aoyama", "Silva", "DA PUMP", "M-Swift" and Maysa Leak of Incognito.
He and Wataru Hamasaki's jazz quartet "Encounter" have been performing at many international Jazz Festivals including the 55th Annual Monterey Jazz Festival in 2012, as well as appearing on numerous national TV programs.
He has recorded over 160 CDs with various musicians to date,
and released 21 CDs as leader/co-leader.
- Key albums by Hideaki Hori -
<2023>"Time of Wonders"(as Leader)
<2022>"Melodies for Night & Day"(Solo Piano)
<2020>"You have the wings"(as co-Leader)
<2019>"Christmas time"(as Leader) "Resonance"(as co-Leader), "Back to the bottom"(as Encounter)
<2018>"N:LIVE"(as Leader)
<2017>"Singing To The SKY"(as co-Leader), "N:LAB"(as a Leader)
<2016>"SKY"(as Encounter)
<2014>"Unconditional Love"(as Leader), "Oasis"(as Encounter)
<2012>"I'm Through With Love"(as co-Leader)
<2011>"Celebration"(as a Leader), "Traveler"(as Encounter)
<2010>"In My Words"(as a Leader), "Nature of mind"(as Encounter)
<2008>"Signs & Wonders"(as Encounter), "Encounter"(as Encounter)
<2006>"Moving Scenes"(as Leader)
<2003>"HORIZON"(as Leader)
Hideaki performs live music almost every day across Japan and beyond, with his passionate and beautiful sound.